Similar to jewelry, flowers are used not only for their aesthetic purposes but also for their symbolism. An array of flowers can be used to convey a wide spectrum of feelings and emotions. For instance, the signficance and history behind some flowers make them a popular choice for weddings and birthdays, while other species are used for religious ceremonies and funerals. Our goal was to bottle this significance, creating everlasting works of art with these meanings tied to them - to immortalize the beauty of flowers into pieces that can be passed through generations.
Discover our selection of flowers below and explore what each of them represents.

FAMILY: Rosaceae
The rose has been a symbol of love and sensuality since ancient times. As the national flower of England, it's no surprise that the flower has deep roots in European culture. It is said that newly married couples in Ancient Greece were adorned with roses and that Cleopatra used to bathe in rose water. Older than this cultural significance, there is evidence of roses from as far back as 60 million years ago.
While the plant itself can live much longer than an individual human can, rose flowers can sometimes bloom and die all in one day. Their beauty is both simple and fleeting, like the nature of passion itself. The white rose represents innocence and virginity while red roses symbolize coming of age, love and passion.

GENUS: Bellis Perennis
FAMILY: Asteraceae
You only need to look at the flower to see that the Daisy has an air of innocence about it. Its bright petals, which represent purity and chastity, are a favourite amongst brides as they symbolize new beginnings. They are also given as gifts to congratulate a new mother on her pregnancy and childbirth, and in some cultures they are even worn by women when they become pregnant.
Daisy’s scientific name, Bellis, stems from Greek mythology as Vertumnus was enamored with the nymph Belides. In order to escape his affections, she turned herself into a daisy. Also, in Norse mythology, the daisy is Freya's —goddes of love, beauty and fertility— sacred flower.
Daisies are composite flowers, meaning that they actually consist of two flowers combined into one. Because these two flowers blend together so well, Daisies also symbolize true love.

GENUS: Helianthus
FAMILY: Asteraceae
Much of the meaning of sunflowers stems from its namesake, the sun itself. These flowers are unique in that they have the ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrancy—attributes which mirror the sun and the energy provided by its heat and light. Their bright faces and towering height signify energy, growth and health.
Sunflowers originated in the Americas in 1,000 B.C., and were then cultivated as a valuable food source for centuries. With the European exploration of the New World, the flower’s popularity spread, as the rest of the world began to appreciate its beauty and sustenance. Artists throughout history loved the sunflower’s unique splendor—those of the Impressionist era were especially fixated on the flower. The use of sunflower images as religious symbols has also been documented in native societies.

GENUS: Lilium
FAMILY: Liliaceae
Lilies have been cultivated for centuries for their beauty and perfume, and have been an important cultural icon since antiquity. In Christian symbolism, the flower represents purity, chastity and innocence. Sprinkled on the graves of innocent children, saints and martyrs, lilies can also represent purity in passing. Moreover, they are the flower of resurrection and of the Virgin Mary.
In ancient mythology, this flower was dedicated to the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus. Roman goddess Venus was so jealous of the beauty and purity of this flower that she caused the pistil to grow from its center.
There are between 80 to 100 species of lilies, and most are native to the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe and North America.

GENUS: Petunia
FAMILY: Solanaceae
In the early 1500s, Spanish explorers in South America discovered a low-growing, trail-forming, white flowered scented axillaris, which in the Tupi-Guarani language was called Petun, but the explorers didn’t think it was worth sending samples of it back to Spain. In fact, it was 300 years later when a group of explorers went back to Argentina and discovered that petunias were cherished and valued by locals. The specimens were sent back to Europe and in time became one of the most popular garden plants around the world.
With over 2000 different registered cultivars and hybrids, most petunias bloom all year long and can do well in most climates as long as they have good drainage and get enough sunlight. Although the Petunia can sometimes be a symbol of anger and resentment, they can also be a sign of comfort or hope. Coming in several different colors, each of them adds a lot to its symbolic meaning. For example, a white Petunia is a symbol of trust, dignity and truth, while a purple one alludes to fantasy, mystery,
and enchantment.

GENUS: Hellebore
FAMILY: Ranunculaceae
The Hellebore was extensively used as herbal remedy in the past; it was used for treating pains, fever, jaundice and other conditions. This flower is a symbol of serenity, and is sometimes seen as a message to stay calm in order to make it through hard times. The name "Hellebore" originates from Ancient Greek words "helle" (meaning "to take away") and "bora" (meaning "food"), which refers to the emetic properties of this plan.
The Hellebore is an illusive flower; its “petals” are actually a protective group of “sepals” that function like leaves to photosynthesize and guard the funnel-shaped nectaries at its center. The Hellebore blooms during the winter and early spring, and its distribution is limited to the northern hemisphere, including Europe and Asia.
This flower was selected in collabortation with Carmen and Co. Discover more about the journey via the link below.